Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 1- the "Jalk"

So I stayed true to my word and started the running today...I have decided to call today the "jalk". It was mostly walking with 5 -1minute intervals of jogging. I took Chloe along...she did rather well. She prefers to jog, so I guess that is good motivation. I exercised a total of 45 minutes. My goal for tomorrow: 6 - 1 minute intervals of jogging. I also made another goal for myself on the way home. The park is .7 miles from my house, then 1 lap around is .73 miles. Today I only went around the park 1 lap. By the end of school I would like to be able to go around the park 3 times and back and forth from home in 45 minutes. 5 weeks to accomplish this goal. I think I can do it.

I would also like to lose about 10 pounds in that time period. I'm pretty sure I can accomplish that. I have been eating very healthy this week. I cannot think of one thing that I have eaten that was bad....not even sweet tea (a drink, but still)!

I have so much to do. Tomorrow I've got to call Georgia College about getting my masters. The teacher certification program I'm in right now is very expensive and I can get paid to do my master's in as long as they'll take me, I'm ready to jump right in. Tyler is also considering starting his master's this fall. His parents are willing to help out with costs, so I told him I think he should go ahead and do it. We would both finish the year after the wedding and be making $6000 each per year more....sounds good to us!

I am so excited about Spring break, but I really need to find someone to stay with or take Chloe. Tyler's mom is allergic to dogs, so we can't take her with us. Before my roommates have watched her, but they're going out of town for the weeknd. It's really frustrating. I don't want to kennel her, because when I adopted her, she had been in a kennel at the shelter for a couple months. I don't want to put her through that they have to pee in their kennels, and I do not want her to start peeing in her cage or in the kitchen.

Anyways- I hope I can stay motivated to run every day! Tomorrow maybe it will be more of a "Jolk" than a "Jalk"....hehe...

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