Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Traditions- opening gifts

When families combine, you have to adapt to each other's traditions. Last year was our first "shared" Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve and up until lunch on Christmas day with Brandon's family, and then we drove to my parents. It was wonderful and different.

I've always had this thing about opening presents. If I spent the time to pick out the perfect gift for you, I want to see you open it. Last year was my first chaotic Davis family gift opening experience. Someone passes you all of your presents and you open them in a hurry and then you're done. When the little one's are done opening their gifts and parents ask "who was that from?" the response is "I don't know". I think I'm just slow when it comes to opening gifts, but I try to pay special attention to who the gift is from. I'm just glad Brandon and I sat next to each other, because we decided to exchange our gifts to each other at his family gathering as well.

This year, even though my family Christmas will be a week late, I can hardly wait to open gifts in our special way. One person sits by the tree with the santa hat on and passes out gifts. There is always a "no, they can't open that one yet" kind of thing going on. Lots of years gifts are numbered "1" to open first "2" to open after, etc. We go youngest to oldest and "santa" passes the gift to whoever's turn it is. So, if it is my turn to open, "santa" can just pass me a gift, or someone in the group can say "she needs to open mine". It is a slow process, but I thoroughly enjoy it. I get to see everyone unwrap the gifts from me and I can see what everyone got.


Sue said...

I like your way! We always try to do it like that, too. Sometimes towards the end it speeds up a bit, but I do like seeing everyone open theirs! Have a wonder-filled holiday, and please give your parents big hugs from us Harrs! (and yourself and siblings, too!)

linnea said...

Wendy, I think the way your family does it sounds great. My family gets a little hurried and crazy too! Ben's family also opens all at once. I think with our kids I would like to do it your way. It sounds really special !!
