Monday, November 3, 2014

Catching up...but this is really about lactation!

So I haven't posted in about three years, but now that I have two babies and have successfully completed my Master's degree, I'm back at it!

Today I'm going to post a few of my go-to recipes for helping with lactation.  These are three recipes that I have used in the last few weeks to try to boost my supply.  They have been somewhat successful.  My supply has been down for a few reasons, but these all seem to help.

The first, baked lactation cookies:

These are pretty good.  The hubs thought they were good too.

Next, no-bake lactation cookies:

I only made 1/4 of this recipe and it lasted all week.  It was very rich since instead of nuts, I put chocolate chips!  I will say, they made me really thirsty, so that helped with drinking lots of water!

And the last, which is my breakfast all week, banana chocolate chip lactation muffins:

They are very good, and quite satisfying.  According to my fitness pal there are 582 calories in 2 muffins.  I've been trying to reach around 2,500 calories each day, so that breakfast is good for me.

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