Friday, November 26, 2010


I wrote a whole post and then of course the internet messed up.

In short- Thanksgiving was great. We went to Will and Manda's house and I got to spend some quality time with my extremely intelligent nephew, James. He and I share corn pudding as our favorite Thanksgiving food :) I'm so proud.

He looks extremely scared in the following picture...I do apologize, I promise we were having a blast on the swing set!

I love spending time with my family! I am so proud of how independent and smart my 2 year old nephew is. He can push with his feet and pull with his hands on this swing all by himself. And he climbs the slide and goes down all by himself! Oh, and he can spell his name and recognize all of the letters in the alphabet. He is so wonderful :)

Okay, well I'm off. Brandon and I are going to Athens in the morning for the Georgia vs. Georgia Tech game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my! He looks certainly looks like a mini-McMahan! Yes, yes, I realize this is what he is but I think I have some little Wendy and little William pictures and he looks like his daddy and auntie:-)