Thursday, December 2, 2010

The weekend is almost here!

One day of giving quizzes and I will be free for the weekend!...if only I were truly "free" to do whatever I want. I am technically doing things I CHOOSE to do...but I don't look forward to waking up early both Saturday and Sunday.

I usually choose one of those days to sleep in...and silly me has been choosing Sundays lately to sleep in instead of attend church. However, this week I really want to go to church because a pastor candidate is going to be preaching.

I will be so glad when there is a new pastor for our church. I don't particularly care for the interum. I guess he is okay for some people, but he's not really my style. I have been attending this Baptist church for a little over a year and I love the church. When I first started attending the youth pastor was filling the pulpit, but he decided just before the summer that he could not do youth group and preach every Sunday. He does not feel called to be a pastor, but I LOVE his preaching!

Anyways, the interum is older, he does lots of ubber Baptist things...nothing wrong with them, I'm just not used to them...and even some Baptists' are uncomfortable with some things he does. For example, the first time he preached, he had everyone turn around in their chair, get on their knees and pray for about 15 minutes before he started the sermon...if it had been my first time at church there, I would have never gone back. Also, he does these altar call things at the end of the sermon and they sing the same song over and over for about half an hour...I feel so un-Christian saying this, but my tummy growls the whole time.

Anyways, I must go back to church on Sunday to hear this new candidate. This is the most serious candidate that the pastor search committee has found. Saturday I'm going to earn some extra money before Christmas and administer the SAT. It's not too bad, just have to wake up early and it's long. I usually grade papers or do a ton of Sudoku puzzles though so I am semi-productive :)

Off to bed...yes at 8:40... :)

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