Sunday, December 12, 2010

A delightful weekend

This weekend was rather enjoyable. Friday night I worked the concession stand at the basketball game (not extremely enjoyable, but good friends to work with).

Saturday I woke up, went to Dunkin Donuts and got some coffee and a bagel (YUM), then I went shopping with my future sister-in-law and my future mother-in-law. My future MIL gave Lauren and I both some money and we bought a ton of clothes...we found some great deals and she even clipped coupons ahead of time for each of us to use!

My day filled with shopping was followed by wine and hors d'oeuvres with some great girlfriends.

Today Brandon and I went to hear the Christmas cantata at church and then went out to eat and did some shopping. We were trying to finish up our Christmas shopping and that did not happen...I still have a few things left to get. Brandon just has one gift left to buy and then he has his secret santa. After watching an episode of the O.C. we decided to go back out to go shopping...of course not thinking that it's Sunday and all of the stores close at 6pm apparently! We got two things at walmart and filled up my car with gas.

Since we got home we've just been sitting around watching tv and wrapping presents. Everything is wrapped except for Brandon's gift to me and my gifts to him...

Off to enjoy 4.5 days of students and a half day of working and then we will be off for the Holidays!

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